Set in 7 acres the Ranch is a little Wiltshire small-holding which is home to not just horses, but also a happy, friendly family of other animals…

What will you find? You will find the ranch is a free space with a ‘no rules’ approach; lots of room to wander about and just be free to enjoy the surroundings.

What won’t you find..? You won’t find stables with horses in or a typical neat yard type set-up, far from it in fact! The Ranch is very rustic and no frills!

The Ranch Crew

  • Lola

    Head Therapy Dog

    Our dog is a beautiful Dalmation X Whippet (dippet!) who was born to be a therapy dog! She never tires of cuddles and never runs out of patience. She has helped so many people over her lifetime and her endless supply of love just amazes me.

  • Ella

    Second in command!

    This gorgeous girl is super smart and full of fun! She is very affectionate and adores all her doggy friends; she has boundless energy so loves her Ranch life!

  • Cats

    We rehomed three feral kittens through a great organisation in London who find rural homes for cats they rescue. We took on three brothers who were in a colony of 40! James, JC and Cooper won’t ever be cuddly, lap cats, but they will be free and wild and help to persuade rodents that they can’t take up residence at the ranch now that they are here! SNIP

  • Goats

    We have an ever growing herd of Pygmy Goats…ridiculously cute !

  • Sheep

    Over the years we have always had small flock of sheep and apart from the twins born to our ewe, the rest have been bottled reared so been extremely friendly (or annoying, depending how you see it..!)

  • Hens

    The ranch flock are a mixed bunch all looked after by our stunning rooster, Robbie-Roo. He was hatched out in a batch being the only boy (we got lucky) so he had to stay and take his place as Sir Shoutsalot! All the chickens are sweet and friendly and lend themselves brilliantly for chill-out times with added comedy value!

  • Rabbits & Guinea Pigs

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