Rewilding for the future; living for the now…

Rewilding @The Ranch



Trees are essential for the health of us all and new species have been introduced at the Ranch and soon the creation of a pollinator-friendly micro-forest!

The ranch is planted with wild flowers and a mini-pollinator ‘forest’ is the planning. The grassland is free from chemical enhancement and over seeded with mixed grasses.



Hedging and natural ‘corridors’ are an important element for our wildlife to thrive and create their habitats so we are planting new hedges and improving the quality of the existing ones at the Ranch.

We are lucky to be home to foxes, birds of prey and many different species of birds. Ensuring that good hedging exists encourages the safety and diversity of all wildlife to be able to live along side the ranch residents.



A very exciting project in the pipeline is the addition of a wild-life pond… plans to create a large area in a quite corner of the bottom field will see a pond made for amphibians and insects plus will be planted all around with nature enhancing flora.


The world we leave for future generations is in our hands and any small amount of enhancement will help safeguard that future…


Keeping the Ranch flora and fauna thriving needs expert help and is the responsibility of our ‘grounds-person’. We also invite input from recognised bodies who are committed to environmental enhancement. Donations will also be attributed to this area as we view it’s importance crucial to the balance of the Ranch.